Sunday, January 26, 2020

Roles Of Users, Payers And Buyers

Roles Of Users, Payers And Buyers Consumer behaviour study is based on consumer buying behaviour, with the consumer playing the three distinct roles of users, payer and buyer. Consumer behaviour is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy products. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioural variables in an attempt to understand peoples wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. WHAT IS CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR? Consumer behaviour can be defined as the dynamic interaction of affect and cognition, behaviour, and environmental events by which human beings conduct the exchange aspects of their lives. There are at least three important ideas in this definition: (1) consumer behaviour is dynamic; (2) it involves interaction between affect and cognition, behaviour, and environmental events; and (3) it involves exchange. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR IS DYNAMIC First, the definition emphasis that consumer behaviour is dynamic. This means individual consumers, consumer groups, and society at large are constantly changing and evolving over time. This has important implications for the study of consumer behaviour as well as for developing marketing strategies. In terms of studying consumer behaviour, one implication is that generalizations about consumer behaviour are usually limited to specific periods of time, products, and individuals or groups. Thus, students of consumer behaviour must be careful not to over- generalize theories and research findings. In terms of developing marketing strategies, the dynamic nature of consumer behaviour implies that one should not expect the same marketing strategy to work all the time across all products, markets, and industries. While this may seem obvious, many companies have failed to recognize the need to adapt their strategies in different markets. Further, a strategy that is successful at one point may fail miserably at another point because of the dynamism of the consumers and the markets, and this is what makes marketing strategy development such an exciting , yet challenging, task. DATABASE MARKETING Many companies have developed extensive database that allow them to target individual consumers. Here are a few of them: NESTLE chose to launch a new pasta product through the post rather than through television. It is cheaper for them to develop a database of the right socioeconomic profile of pasta-eaters than it is to promote via television. UNILEVER uses database marketing to target their loyal customers, trying to make loyalty last. In Sweden, they are creating a database with users of their Organics shampoo on the basis of participants in a recent competition. They have also sent out samples of a new Dove sensitive crà ¨me douche to target segments in order to create awareness. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR INVOLVES INTERACTIONS A second important point emphasized in the definition of consumer behaviour is that it involves interactions between affect and cognition, behaviour, and environmental events. This means that to understand consumers and develop superior marketing strategies, we must understand what they think (cognition) and feel (affect), what they do (behaviour), and the things and places (environmental events) that influence and are influenced by what consumers think, feel, and do. Whether we are evaluating a single consumer, a target market, or an entire society, analysis of all three elements is useful for understanding and developing marketing strategies. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR INVOLVES EXCHANGES A final point emphasized in the definition of consumer behaviour is that it involves exchanges between human beings. This makes the definition of consumer behaviour consistent with current definitions of marketing that also emphasize exchange. In fact, the role of marketing is to create exchanges with consumers by formulating and implementing marketing strategies. APPROACHES TO CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH Two broad groups are interested in consumer behaviour a basic research group and an action-oriented group. The basic research group is mainly composed of academic researchers interested in studying consumer behaviour as a way of developing a unique body of knowledge about this aspect of human behaviour. These researchers have backgrounds in anthropology, sociology, psychology, economics, and marketing, as well as other fields. The majority of published work on consumer behaviour is basic research, and this work forms the foundation of our text. Because researchers dealing with consumer behaviour have different backgrounds, the way in which they analyse consumer behaviour, the topics they concentrate on, the kind of theories they develop, and the kind of research methods they employ differ as well. Some consumer research is very qualitative, with an emphasis on understanding a particular consumption event, a particular familys consumer behaviour, or the success of a particular brand based on the context in which these phenomena occur and on the history leading up to the occurrence of the phenomenon. Other consumer research concentrates on finding regularities in consumer behaviour that apply in a broad variety of contexts across time and space, such as the effect of personal involvement in a purchase, on information seeking behaviour or the effect of sales promotions on shopping behaviour in supermarkets. CONSUMER AFFECT AND COGNITION Consumer affect and cognition refer to two types of mental responses consumers have to stimuli and events in their environment. Affect refers to their feelings about stimuli and events, such as whether they like or dislike a product. Cognition refers to their thinking, such as beliefs about a particular product. Affective responses can be favourable or unfavourable and vary in intensity. For instance, affect includes relatively intense emotions, such as love or anger; less strong feeling states such as satisfaction or frustration; moods such as boredom or relaxation, and milder overall attitudes, such as liking McDonalds chips or disliking Bic pens. Marketers typically develop strategies to create positive affect for their products and brands to increase the chances that consumers will buy them. Cognition refers to the mental structures and processes involved in thinking, understanding, and interpreting stimuli and events. It includes the knowledge, meaning, and beliefs that consumers have developed from their experience and stored in their memories. It also includes the processes associated with paying attention to and understanding stimuli and events, remembering past events, forming evaluations, and making purchasing decisions and choices. While many aspects of cognition are conscious thinking processes, others are essentially automatic. SOME BASIC QUESTIONS ABOUT CONSUMER AFFECT AND COGNITION 1. How do consumers interpret information about marketing stimuli such as products, stores, and advertising? 2. How do consumers choose among alternative product classes, products, and brands? 3. How do consumers form evaluations of products and brands? 4. How does memory affect consumer decision making? 5. How do affect and cognition influence behaviour and environments? CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Behaviour refers to the physical actions of actions of consumers that can be directly observed and measured by others. It is also called overt behaviour to distinguish it from mental activities, such as thinking, that cannot be observed directly. Examples of behaviour include shopping at stores, buying products, or using credit cards. Behaviour is critical for marketing strategy because it is only through behaviour that sales can be made and profits earned. While many marketing strategies are designed to influence consumers affect and cognition, these strategies must ultimately result in overt consumer behaviour for them to have value for the company. It is therefore critical for marketers to analyse, understand, and influence overt behaviour. SOME BASIC QUESTIONS ABOUT CONSUMER BEHAVIOURS 1. How do behaviour approaches differ from affective and cognitive approaches to studying consumer behaviour? 2. What is classical conditioning, and how is it used by marketers to influence consumer behaviour? 3. What is operant conditioning, and how is it used by marketers to influence consumer behaviour? 4. What is vicarious learning, and how is it used by marketers to influence consumer behaviour? 5. What consumer behaviours are of interest to marketing management? CONSUMER ENVIRONMENT The consumer environment refers to everything external to consumers that influence what they think, feel, and do. It includes social stimuli that influence consumers, such as the actions of others in cultures, subcultures, social classes, reference groups, and families. It also includes other physical stimuli, such as stores, products, advertisements, and signs which can change consumers thoughts, feelings, and actions. The consumer environment is important for marketing strategy because it is the medium in which stimuli are placed to influence consumers. For example, marketers run commercials during TV programmes that their target markets watch in order to inform, persuade, and remind them to buy certain products and brands. SOME BASIC QUESTIONS ABOUT CONSUMER ENVIRONMENT 1. In what physical environments do consumer behaviours occur? 2. How do environments affect consumers affect and cognition and behaviour? 3. How do consumers affect and cognition and behaviour affect the environment? 4. What effect does culture have on consumers? 5. What effect does subculture have on consumers? RELATIONSHIPS AMONG AFFECT AND COGNITION, BEHAVIOUR, AND THE ENVIRONMENT Each of the three elements can be either a cause or an effect of a change in the other element. For example, a consumer might see an advert for a new laundry detergent that promises to wash clothes cleaner than OMO. This might change what the consumer thinks about the new brand and lead to a purchase of it. In this case, a change in the consumers environment (the advert for the new detergent), led to a change in cognition (the consumer believed the new detergent was better) which led to a change in behaviour (the consumer bought the new brand). Another possibility is that a consumer might be dissatisfied with his or her current brand of laundry detergent. On the consumers next trip to the grocery, other brands are inspected, and one that promises to get white clothes whiter is selected. In this example, a change in affect and cognition (dissatisfaction) leads to a change in the consumers environment (inspecting other brands) which leads to change in behaviour (purchase of a different brand). While there are other ways changes could occur, these examples serve to illustrate our view of consumers. Namely, that not only do consumer processes involve a dynamic and interactive system, but they are also a reciprocal system. A reciprocal system is one in which any of the elements could be either a cause or an effect of a change at any particular time. Affect and cognition could change consumers behaviour and environment; behaviours could change consumers affect, cognitions and environments. Environments can change consumers affect, cognition and behaviour. There are five implications of viewing consumer processes as a reciprocal system involving affect and cognition, behaviour, and the environment. First, any comprehensive analyses of consumers must consider all three elements and the relationships of them. Description of consumers in terms of only one or two of the elements is incomplete. Second, it is important to recognize that any of the three elements may be the starting point for consumer analysis. While we think that marketing strategists should start with an analysis of the specific overt behaviours consumers must perform to achieve marketing objectives, useful analyses could start with affect and cognition by researching what consumers think and feel about such things as the various brands of a product. Third, since this view is dynamic, it recognises that consumers can continuously change. While some consumers may change little during a particular time period, others may frequently change their affect, cognition, behaviour, and environments. Keeping abreast of consumers therefore involves continuous research to detect changes that could influence marketing strategies. Fourth, while our example focused on a single consumer, consumer analysis can be applied at several levels. It can be used to analyse not only a single consumer, but also a group of consumers that make up a target market, a larger group of consumers which make up all of the purchasers of a product in an industry, or for an entire society. Finally, this framework for analysing consumers highlights the importance of consumer research and analysis in developing marketing strategies. Consumer research and analysis should be key activities for developing marketing strategies. Consumer research includes many types of study such as test marketing, advertising pre-tests, sales promotion effects, analysis of sales and market share data, pricing experiments, traffic and shopping patterns, brand attitude and intentions, and many others. Consumer research and analysis should not end when a strategy has been implemented. Rather research should continue to investigate the effects of the strategy and whether it could be changed to be more effective. Thus, marketing strategy should involve a continuous process of researching and analysing consumers, developing strategies, implementing them, and continuously improving strategies. INFORMATION SEARCH Once the consumer has recognized a problem, they search for information on products and services that can solve that problem. Sources of information include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Personal sources à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Commercial sources à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Public sources à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Personal experience The relevant internal psychological process that is associated with information search is perception. Perception is defined as the process by which an individual receives, selects, organizes, and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world. THE SELECTIVE PERCEPTION PROCESS Stage Description à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Selective exposure consumers select which promotional messages they will expose themselves to. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Selective attention consumers select which promotional messages they will pay attention to. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Selective comprehension consumers interpret messages in line with their beliefs, attitudes, motives and experiences. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Selective retention consumers remember messages that are more meaningful or important to them. The implications of this process help develop an effective promotional strategy, and select which sources of information are more effective for the brand. INFORMATION EVALUATION At this time the consumer compares the brands and products that are in their evoked set. How can the marketing organization increase the likelihood that their brand is part of the consumers evoked (consideration) set? Consumers evaluate alternatives in terms of the functional and psychological benefits that they offer. The marketing organization needs to understand what benefits consumers are seeking and therefore which attributes are most important in terms of making a decision. PURCHASE DECISION Once the alternatives have been evaluated, the consumer is ready to make a purchase decision. Sometimes purchase intention does not result in an actual purchase. The marketing organization must facilitate the consumer to act on their purchase intention. The provision of credit or payment terms may encourage purchase, or a sales promotion such as the opportunity to receive a premium or enter a competition may provide an incentive to buy now. The relevant internal psychological process that is associated with purchase decision is integration. POSTPURCHASE EVALUATION It is common for customers to experience concerns after making a purchase decision. This arises from a concept that is known as cognitive dissonance. The customer, having bought a product, may feel that an alternative would have been preferable. In these circumstances that customer will not repurchase immediately, but is likely to switch brands next time. To manage the post-purchase stage, it is the job of the marketing team to persuade the potential customer that the product will satisfy his or her needs. Then after having made a purchase, the customer should be encouraged that he or she has made the right decision. It is not affected by advertisement. INTERNAL INFLUENCES Consumer behaviour is influenced by: demographics, psychographics (lifestyle), personality, motivation, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Consumer behaviour concern with consumer need consumer actions in the direction of satisfying needs leads to his behaviour of every individual depend on thinking process. EXTERNAL INFLUENCES Consumer behaviour is influenced by: culture, sub-culture, locality, royalty, ethnicity, family, social class, reference groups, lifestyle, and market mix factors. MARKETING STRATEGY From a consumer point of view, a marketing strategy is a set of stimuli placed in consumers environments designed to influence their affect, cognition, and behaviour. These stimuli include such things as products, brands, packaging, advertisements, coupons, stores, credit cards, price tags, salespeoples communications, and in some cases sounds (music), smells (perfume), and other sensory cues. Clearly, marketing strategies should not only be designed to influence consumers, but should also be influenced by them. For example, if research shows that consumers are disgusted (affect and cognition) with the advertisements for Armani jeans, the company may want to change its adverts to better appeal to the market. If research shows that consumers in the target market do not shop (behaviour) in stores where a companys product is featured, then the distribution strategy may have to be changed. If the research shows that consumers want to be able to get information from a companys homepage (environment) and none exists, the company may want to create one. Thus marketing strategies should be developed, implemented, and changed based on consumer research and analysis. REFRENCES: Peter J .P, Olson J.C and Grunert K .G (1999) Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy, McGraw-Hill, Berkshire, England. Schiffman L .G and Kanuk L .L (1995) Consumer Behaviour, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. INTERNET SOURCES: Consumer Behaviour curled from Consumer Psychologist curled from THE ROLE OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR IN STRATEGIC MARKETING COMMUNICATION à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Consumer Affect and Cognition à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Consumer Behaviour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Consumer Environment

Saturday, January 18, 2020

So far, so Good… So What! – Creative Writing

It was 5 hours before the concert, we knew this wogtuld be our last chance to practice our lineup. My stomach curled up into a ball and turned itself upside down. Suddenly a thought struck me straight in the eye. â€Å"I forgot my damn clothes!† I screamed. â€Å"Well get back to your house and bring them here, we only have 2 more hours to practice till this place opens.† Adel said to me. â€Å"What! I thought we had 5 hours left, what's happening?† A more tense me blurted out. â€Å"The arcade opens at 7 and we play at 9. They said they wanted us out by 6 so they could get the stage ready.† â€Å"Oh ok, listen up I'm goin' to have to run back to my house 'cause I don't have a ride now. I'll catch you guys later.† I picked up my new, supposedly, waterproof and shockproof Nokia, the 6250. It was my pride and joy, until it fell down the stairs and found the screen smashed. I chuckled to myself, knowing it wasn't the end of the world. I pulled my socks up, tied my boots as tight as possible and pulled my pants up to the proper height. Two minutes running put my spirit down, I slowed to a fast walk, panting like I'd just ran a marathon. Altogether it took ten minutes of fast walking to arrive on my doorstep. Upon ringing the bell, my maid came tumbling outside and opened the door for me. I ran considerably slowly into my house, up the stairs and into my bedroom. The door creaked behind me and the noise sliced through my brain like a hot knife through butter. After a quick squeal I picked up my phone and called another member of my band, Khalid. â€Å"Yo man,† I said â€Å"I'm back home now and I'm just changing here and I'll be back.† â€Å"Ok then, just don't be too long,† He said. With that note I hung up the phone and turned on my CD player. Ran into a quick shower, put some fresh black jeans on, threw a black shirt on and picked up my leather jacket. Flying down the stairs, turning a sharp corner and falling over I reached the bathroom where my gel is kept. 5 minutes later I left my house with 4-inch spikes of black hair on my head. My mum sat down in the car and I jumped into it. I suddenly realized how tense I was. All of the 5 minute ride I was quickly going over the words of the song Trust by Megadeth in my head. It was 4:45 when I got back to â€Å"photon planet†. I could hear my band playing a different song. Fear struck my heart, the lineup had changed while I was away. â€Å"What the hell are you guys doing?† I screamed at Adel. â€Å"We've changed around a bit. I'll teach you the songs now.† He replied calmly to me. â€Å"Ok, do it fast,† I said. I picked up my guitar and plugged in through my Zoom Multi FX pedal. I jammed a harsh power chord and my heart sunk further. Someone had been playing with the heavy metal effects that had taken 2 hours of my time to set. Adel came running over and Ahmed jumped to the floor with Khalid. I fell onto the ground with a feeling of dread building up inside me. Quickly running through the 50 different pedals all miniaturized and packed into one box with lots of buttons. I knew from that moment that my guitar would be useless without the pedal. I lay back on the ground and a cigarette was pushed into my mouth. The worst filth in the world was soaring out of my mouth like a million rockets firing one after another. â€Å"Calm down man,† said Ahmed â€Å"just forget about playing the guitar today ok. Don't worry about a thing you'll play next time.† â€Å"But man this is so screwed up my day sucks!† I said with an insane laugh. â€Å"Hey guys get out of here with the smokes the manager's coming!† We pushed and shoved each other screaming and laughing to the fire exit. Down seemed like the right way to go. We all collapsed into a heap at the bottom of the stairs laughing and screeching like a bunch of halfwits. I started singing at the top of my voice, the adrenalin rush made me feel great. Azam came running down the stairs holding a tray full of drinks in one hand a guitar in the other. â€Å"I got us all a hot chocolate before we get up there. I just finished setting us all up on the mixer, its going to be great!† said Azam. â€Å"Aiiite!† we all screamed in unison, remembering the Ali G show we watched the night before! A few minutes later all hell broke loose upstairs. The official opening had happened. People were stampeding around the new arcade, playing games, flying all over the roof on the roller coaster and others just looking and causing chaos. Lauren came running down the stairs followed closely by Alice and Alyaa. I started laughing and said â€Å"I thought I was well hidden down here, how did you find me?† â€Å"Haji told us,† replied Lauren. â€Å"Oh ok. It's all good!† I just managed to laugh out. â€Å"We have half an hour till the show, learn the rest of the words.† Said Khalid The half hour passed in ten minutes, or that is how it seemed to me. Still unclear of all the words I ran up to the stage still running over and over in my head. Horror was before my eyes, hundreds of people were there. I looked closely and the whole of my gang was there. Without warning the song started. With the microphone in my hand it felt great. I sang, the words were on the floor in front of me. A gust of nowhere wind picked up the sheets and took them to the edge of the stage. At this point, I panicked, I started to sing the first words that came into my head. I could feel eyes burning into my flesh, I was shaking like a massage machine. I could hear the last verse coming to an end. I stood up straight and screamed, â€Å"TRUST†. I left the stage quietly and handed the microphone to the second singer. â€Å"Go up there and do the Spanish singing you do it better than anyone.† I quickly blurted out in Arabic. â€Å"Ok Jim!† he said. After that quick talk I ran over to Alice and nearly fainted from shock! I said a quick goodbye and left, never to be seen again.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Characteristics of a Good Research Problem

A research problem is a statement that provides the context for a research study.As stated by Brewer & Hughes, (2005).â€Å"Research problems indicate gaps in the scope or the certainty of our knowledge† (Brewer & Hughes, 2005, p. 39).They point to problematic phenomena, observed events that are puzzling in terms of our currently accepted ideas, or current ideas that are challenged by new hypotheses (Dissertation Mentoring Services, 2013).The research problem is the start of bringing to light and introducing the problem that the research will conclude with an answer. Further, according to Ellis and Levy (2008) the research problem is the initial phase in the scientific method. The methodology that is utilized should be applicable for the problem that guides the research. The methodology yields the outcomes of the study, which in turn produces the support required to facilitate the findings (Ellis & Levy, 2008). The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of a r esearch problem.The focus is on the elements of what constitutes a researchable problem, the components of a well formed Statement of Research Problem, as well as what constitutes a reasonable theoretical framework for the need of the study. As stated by Leedy and Ormrod, (2005) â€Å"The research problem is the axis around which the whole research effort revolves (Leedy and Ormrod, 2005, p. 49). † Viable research cannot be deemed important without a well-defined understanding of why the research has been performed. There are several components that make research of noteworthy importance, such as the research needs to be researchable and manageable in size.Other characteristics include the degree of how the research will influence future research and other researchers by whether or not the findings will make a contribution to the body of knowledge, the explanation of the data and make a difference for others (Dissertation101 Mentoring Services, 2013). Influence of the researc h. Good research should advance the field in which it is geared toward as well as build on the current body of available research. The impact does not have to be huge, but it must be identifiable. The study should reveal how the researcher intends to take a different viewpoint and or direction.According to Leedy and Ormrod (2010) the research should direct the philosophy in different perceptions, as well as inspire further research to be conducted as it relates to the topic (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). The advancement should reflect how the new methodologies will be used, along with the other current work, to help to better come to a conclusion in order to solve the problem (Brewer & Hunter, 2006). The problem is researchable and manageable in size. It is imperative to select a topic that is doable and that will allow many opportunities to conduct adequate primary research.Limitations such as the availability of answers should also be considered when thinking of a research problem. Addit ionally, time and expenses are of concern. Considering how long it will take to conduct the research is important as is whether or not the researcher has enough background knowledge to carry out the research, which may cause delays. The budget is a major factor and taking into consideration the kinds of tasks that will be needed, any paid assistants, specialized equipment, or software that needs to be created and/or acquired will help in estimating the amount of funds that will be needed to conduct the research.Explanation of the dataSince research requires data, it is important during the planning that the researcher analyzes beforehand whether or not any data related to the research problem can be produced. If not, then the research problem and the question may need to be changed. The decision of whether to use qualitative or quantitative data is important and based on the type of research. Once the data has been collected, the researcher must have a way to communicate the results .The data must be organized in a way that it merges the existing data with the new data to determine the quality based on the guidelines for collecting the data. Components of a Statement of Research Problem Essentially, the problem statement provides the basis for the research. The statement of the research problem reflects the general concern that leads to the specific problem and must be factual and clearly stated. Accordingly, it must be a brief precise description, which sets the premise for the problem to be studied.It distinguishes and states the underlying problems, if any and outlines the hypotheses, along with the research questions (Dissertation101 Mentoring Services, 2013). Precise, factual and clearly stated. Researcher seek to answer a question or to find a solution to a problem. Providing factual information to introduce the problem will change the perspective of what people think or know about the problem. As well the research should speak to the literature that is p revalent and to what is missing from this literature.Therefore, a statement of the problem needs to be precisely stated in one or two sentences that outlines the problem of the research. The statement of the problem should also address the question (Levy & Ellis, 2008). As stated by Levy and Ellis, (2008) â€Å"The problem statement is the statement of the problem and the argumentation for its viability. It should address all six questions, what, how, where, when, why, and who (Levy & Ellis, 2008, p. 27)†. Underlying sub-problems.Often times, research problems are too significant or very complicated be solved without breaking them down into smaller parts. The parts of the big problem are known as the sub-problems. The sub-problems make up a researchable component that will form together to equal the summation of the main problem. Division of the main problem is the fourth characteristic of formal research (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005). Presenting a hypothesis or research questions. The researcher must prepare a hypothesis related to the expectations what will be true of the results and conclusions of the study.The research problem, the goals, and the associated research questions and/or hypotheses are entwined in that a research goal is the main focus of the research that will be used to speak to the problem. Additionally, research questions help to simplify the goals into definite questions that the researcher would like answered (Creswell, 2005). According to Leedy and Ormrod (2005) by obtaining the answers to the research questions, the goals of the research will be satisfied and an impact regarding solving the problem has been made (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005).There has to be a recognizable association between the answers to the research questions and the research problem motivating the study (Ellis & Levy, 2008). A Problem Statement is based on a thorough review of the relevant literature and ongoing research. As stated by Leedy and Ormrod, (2005) â€Å"one es sential strategy is to find out what things are already known about your topic of interest; little can be gained by reinventing the wheel (Leedy and Ormrod, 2005, p. 51). † This provides the basis for a theoretical framework for the foundations and worthiness of the research problem.Theoretical Framework for the StudyTheoretical framework is the theory which enlightens and expounds the problem to be researched. The theory will also be used to observe the results. New theories solve research problems by explaining inexplicable occurrences and by overriding the uncertainty of older theories. The current theory directs researchers in creating and communicating research problems. In determining whether and in what respects a theory is problematic, researchers consider the context of accrued theoretical and experimental knowledge.The theories that appear to be challenging when observed in that context are then researched (Ellis & Levy, 2008). While the findings of research may be u nexpected, the research itself is planned. It is grounded in a theory. There should be a theoretical connection between the problem guiding the research and the research that is being directed to speak to that problem (Ellis & Levy, 2008).ConclusionA research problem statement is a concise description of a problem or challenge that does not currently have an adequate solution available, therefore, making it worthy of research. A problem statement refers to an issue that is focused on by the topic. It is, in essence, a situation that is in need of a solution. A well communicated problem drives the research. A statement of the research problem must be specific but brief and not something that refers to an isolated occurrence.It must be researchable and manageable while addressing the sub-problems and creating a hypothesis and research questions. The statement of the problem should introduce how the research develops from previous theory and how it may be able to add to the development of new theory in which to make advancements, realizing that ultimately, the purpose of research is to add to the knowledge of how the world operates in our quest to improve and expand our understanding.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act

Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is a law that was passed in 1996 that provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule set national standard for the protection of individually identifiable healthy information by three types of covered entities: health plans, health care clearinghouses, and health care providers who conduct the standard health care transactions electronically. The Security Rule under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act sets national standard for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health insurance. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Enforcement Rule provides standards for the enforcement of all the Administrative Simplification Rules. Individuals, organizations, and agencies that meet the definition of a covered entity (health care provider, health plan, health care clearinghouse) under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act must comply with the Rule’s requirements to protect the privacy and security of health information. (Office for Civil Rights, 2015) What in general are the most challenging ethical issues facing social workers and the social work profession today? One of the most challenging ethical issues facing social workers and the social work profession today is whenShow MoreRelatedThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1704 Words   |  7 PagesThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, most commonly known as HIPAA, was passed by Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton on August 21, 1996. The purpose of this act was to regulate the privacy of patient health information, lower the cost of health care, as well as to help fix the many pieces of our complicated healthcare system. When switching employers or possibly losing employment, HIPAA secures individuals their health insurance. HIPAA nearly affects all individualsRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act890 Words   |  4 Pagesinformation. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is Protected Health Information (PHI) that: Relates to a person’s physical or mental health, the provision of health care, or the payment for health care. Identifies the person who is the subject of the information. Is created or received by a covered entity Is transmitted or maintained in any form (paper, electronic, or oral) There are five major components to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) PrivacyRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1253 Words   |  6 Pagesgiving information to the healthcare professional and motivates the patient to seek health care when needed (Jessica De Bord, Burke, MD PhD, Dudzinski, PhD MTS, 2013). In 1996, Congress passed an act that enforces the patient’s right to information confidentiality. The act was named, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or for short â€Å"HIPAA†. Not only does HIPAA regulate the protection of patient’s health information, but they work to reduce healthcare fraud and abuse, mandate standardsRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1416 Words   |  6 PagesHistory The history of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPPA, began in 1996 when a legal mandate was issue by Congress to protect the ethical principles and confidentiality of patient information (Burkhardt Nathaniel, 2014). Prior to this legislation, employees were not protected between jobs. Waste, fraud and abuse in health insurance and healthcare delivery was prevalent. The need to protect the rights of the patient was needed but also the Act contained passages to promoteRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is divided into five titles. Title I is health insurance portability, title II is administrative simplification, title III is medical savings accounts and health insurance tax related provisions, title IV is enforcement of group health plan provisions, and title V is revenue offsets. HIPAA affects many features of health care, including providing the privacy rights of patients for release of financial and medical informationRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1914 Words   |  8 Pageshave always and will always be behind criminal acts, and new laws are put in place to tackle the every changing technological advancement. Law Review Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) required the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop regulations protecting the privacy and security of certain health information. To fulfill this requirement, HHS publishedRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act946 Words   |  4 Pagesour own health information, but how is this beneficial to us as patients and healthcare providers? As healthcare is increasingly becoming complex what are ways to enforce these policies and rules? HIPAA rules and standards will need to be the same in each state so there is interoperability the proper way, but will we be able to really accomplish this? This paper will discuss these aspects and ways to overcome these obstacles that are occurring. What is HIPAA? HIPAA also known as the Health InsuranceRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1609 Words   |  7 PagesIt has always been the job of health care providers to maintain doctor-patient confidentiality. Not only is it a legal obligation it is also an ethical obligation to many doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants and many other medical staff. Until recently medical records were primarily recorded on paper and stored in cabinets and locked in what was believed as a secure room. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act also known as HIPAA, was passed on August 21, 1996. Although the lawRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1382 Words   |  6 Pages Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Final Research Paper Dominique Bracco Healthcare Today (300) Professor Diana December 7, 2016 â€Æ' Abstract The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is divided into five titles. Title I is health insurance portability, Title II is administrative simplification, Title III is medical savings accounts and health insurance tax related provisions, Title IV is enforcement of group health plan provisions, and title V is revenueRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act768 Words   |  4 Pages/ Mrs. CEO, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule is the driving force in protecting our patient’s information. We take patient privacy serious and will continue to do so. The following is a summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP). Organizations/facilities that are regulated by the Privacy rule are called entities. Entities play a major part in protecting patient’s health information. Per the Health and Humans Services The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Introduction Release or not to release is the question in today’s healthcare? Being a patient, and going to a doctor’s appointment has really changed versus how it was years ago. Most of us as patients know that we have a right to our own health information, but how is this beneficial to us as patients and healthcare providers? As healthcare is increasingly becoming complex what are ways to enforce these policies and rules? HIPAA rules and standards will need to be the same in each state so there is interoperability the proper way, but will we be able to really accomplish this? This paper will discuss these aspects and ways to overcome these obstacles that are occurring. What is HIPAA? HIPAA also known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was passed by congress and signed by President Bill Clinton on August 21, 1966. HIPAA includes several provisions and is the United States legislation that protects the privacy and security of patients’ medical health information and records. This Act contains five different sections that addressed different aspects of healthcare. Section one protects individuals’ healthcare coverage that have lost or changed jobs, as well as prohibiting discrimination due to pre-existing conditions. Section two was anticipated to combat fraud, waste and abuse by establishing national standards that remained in compliance with privacy regulations. Section three includes making sure that the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) provides taxShow MoreRelatedThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1704 Words   |  7 PagesThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, most commonly known as H IPAA, was passed by Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton on August 21, 1996. The purpose of this act was to regulate the privacy of patient health information, lower the cost of health care, as well as to help fix the many pieces of our complicated healthcare system. When switching employers or possibly losing employment, HIPAA secures individuals their health insurance. HIPAA nearly affects all individualsRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act890 Words   |  4 Pagesinformation. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is Protected Health Information (PHI) that: Relates to a person’s physical or mental health, the provision of health care, or the payment for health care. Identifies the person who is the subject of the information. Is created or received by a covered entity Is transmitted or maintained in any form (paper, electronic, or oral) There are five major components to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) PrivacyRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1253 Words   |  6 Pagesgiving information to the healthcare professional and motivates the patient to seek health care when needed (Jessica De Bord, Burke, MD PhD, Dudzinski, PhD MTS, 2013). In 1996, Congress passed an act that enforces the patient’s right to information confidentiality. The act was named, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or for short â€Å"HIPAA†. Not only does HIPAA regulate the protection of patient’s health information, but they work to reduce healthcare fraud and abuse, mandate standardsRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1416 Words   |  6 PagesHistory The history of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPPA, began in 1996 when a legal mandate was issue by Congress to protect the ethical principles and confidentiality of patient information (Burkhardt Nathaniel, 2014). Prior to this legislation, employees were not protected between jobs. Waste, fraud and abuse in health insurance and healthcare delivery was prevalent. The need to protect the rights of the patient was needed but also the Act contained passages to promoteRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is divided into five titles. Title I is health insurance portability, title II is administrative simplification, title III is medical savings accounts and health insurance tax related provisions, title IV is enforcement of group health plan provisions, and title V is revenue offsets. HIPAA affects many features of health care, including providing the privacy rights of patients for release of financial and medical informationRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1914 Words   |  8 Pageshave always and will always be behind criminal acts, and new laws are put in place to tackle the every changing technological advancement. Law Review Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) required the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop regulations protecting the privacy and security of certain health information. To fulfill this requirement, HHS publishedRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1609 Words   |  7 PagesIt has always been the job of health care providers to maintain doctor-patient confidentiality. Not only is it a legal obligation it is also an ethical obligation to many doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants and many other medical staff. Until recently medical records were primarily recorded on paper and stored in cabinets and locked in what was believed as a secure room. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act also known as HIPAA, was passed on August 21, 1996. Although the lawRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1382 Words   |  6 Pages Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Final Research Paper Dominique Bracco Healthcare Today (300) Professor Diana December 7, 2016 â€Æ' Abstract The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is divided into five titles. Title I is health insurance portability, Title II is administrative simplification, Title III is medical savings accounts and health insurance tax related provisions, Title IV is enforcement of group health plan provisions, and title V is revenueRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act768 Words   |  4 Pages/ Mrs. CEO, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule is the driving force in protecting our patient’s information. We take patient privacy serious and will continue to do so. The following is a summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP). Organizations/facilities that are regulated by the Privacy rule are called entities. Entities play a major part in protecting patient’s health information. Per the Health and Humans ServicesRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act817 Words   |  4 Pagesresearch on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). Enacted by Congress in 1996, HIPPA was created to â€Å"modernize health information exchange† (Solove, 2013). For the consumer, HIPPA sets rules which protect the privacy of health information, to be followed by health care providers and insurance companies. It also gives consumers rights over their health information, such as obtaining a copy, making sure it is accurate, and to know who is or has seen their health information The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act There are many legal and ethical issues that come with working in the health care sector. In order to protect the public the government often places many laws to protect the information and privacy of patients from being misused. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA as it is known is such law that was implemented in order to maintain the security and privacy of patients. The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for individually identifiable health information held by covered entities and their business associates and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information. The Privacy Rule is balanced so that it permits the disclosure of health information needed for patient care and other important purposes. The Security Rule specifies a series of administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for covered entities and their business associates to use to assure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protect ed health information (, n.d.). The health care administrators of today are charged with keeping up with the many compliance and regulations associated with the HIPAA privacy act. The legal and ethical responsibilities that come with their roles are a difficult one. Administrators must aide in safeguarding patient’s information and stay within the guidelines and regulations as directed by the governing bodies that enforce these rules. With this in mind we must also examine the role ofShow MoreRelatedThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1704 Words   |  7 PagesThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, most commonly known as HIPAA, was passed by Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton on August 21, 1996. The purpose of this act was to regulate the privacy of patient health information, lower the cost of health care, as well as to help fix the many pieces of our complicated healthcare system. When switching employers or possibly losing employment, HIPAA secures individuals their health insurance. HIPAA nearly affects all individualsRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act890 Words   |  4 Pagesinformation. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is Protected Health Information (PHI) that: Relates to a person’s physical or mental health, the provision of health care, or the payment for health care. Identifies the person who is the subject of the information. Is created or received by a covered entity Is transmitted or maintained in any form (paper, electronic, or oral) There are five major components to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) PrivacyRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1253 Words   |  6 Pagesgiving information to the healthcare professional and motivates the patient to seek health care when needed (Jessica De Bord, Burke, MD PhD, Dudzinski, PhD MTS, 2013). In 1996, Congress passed an act that enforces the patient’s right to information confidentiality. The act was named, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or for short â€Å"HIPAA†. Not only does HIPAA regulate the protection of patient’s health information, but they work to reduce healthcare fraud and abuse, mandate standardsRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1416 Words   |  6 PagesHistory The history of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPPA, began in 1996 when a legal mandate was issue by Congress to protect the ethical principles and confidentiality of patient information (Burkhardt Nathaniel, 2014). Prior to this legislation, employees were not protected between jobs. Waste, fraud and abuse in health insurance and healthcare delivery was prevalent. The need to protect the rights of the patient was needed but also the Act contained passages to promoteRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is divided into five titles. Title I is health insurance portability, title II is administrative simplification, title III is medical savings accounts and health insurance tax related provisions, title IV is enforcement of group health plan provisions, and title V is revenue offsets. HIPAA affects many features of health care, including providing the privacy rights of patients for release of financial and medical informationRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1914 Words   |  8 Pageshave always and will always be behind criminal acts, and new laws are put in place to tackle the every changing technological advancement. Law Review Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) required the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop regulations protecting the privacy and security of certain health information. To fulfill this requirement, HHS publishedRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act946 Words   |  4 Pagesour own health information, but how is this beneficial to us as patients and healthcare providers? As healthcare is increasingly becoming complex what are ways to enforce these policies and rules? HIPAA rules and standards will need to be the same in each state so there is interoperability the proper way, but will we be able to really accomplish this? This paper will discuss these aspects and ways to overcome these obstacles that are occurring. What is HIPAA? HIPAA also known as the Health InsuranceRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1609 Words   |  7 PagesIt has always been the job of health care providers to maintain doctor-patient confidentiality. Not only is it a legal obligation it is also an ethical obligation to many doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants and many other medical staff. Until recently medical records were primarily recorded on paper and stored in cabinets and locked in what was believed as a secure room. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act also known as HIPAA, was passed on August 21, 1996. Although the lawRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1382 Words   |  6 Pages Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Final Research Paper Dominique Bracco Healthcare Today (300) Professor Diana December 7, 2016 â€Æ' Abstract The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is divided into five titles. Title I is health insurance portability, Title II is administrative simplification, Title III is medical savings accounts and health insurance tax related provisions, Title IV is enforcement of group health plan provisions, and title V is revenueRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act768 Words   |  4 Pages/ Mrs. CEO, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule is the driving force in protecting our patient’s information. We take patient privacy serious and will continue to do so. The following is a summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP). Organizations/facilities that are regulated by the Privacy rule are called entities. Entities play a major part in protecting patient’s health information. Per the Health and Humans Services The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act How HIPAA applies to Text Messaging, Pictures and the Social Media As you may know social media and texting have become a part of life and we often think of it as for friends, family, and net-working, but what about doctors and nurses using their phones to text or take pictures of your vital information. How are we as consumers protected? Let’s see what HIPAA has to say about doctors and nurses using phones to text, take a picture, or use the social media to transfer information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule is written with flexibility to account for changing technologies. In practice, however, the rule leads to uncertainty about how to make text messaging policy decisions. HIPAA is best†¦show more content†¦The problem was that the friends of the nurses could also read the information. As a result the employees where reminded that this was a HIPAA violation even though they did not use names there was still enough information that you could put it together. Which resulted in stricter policies and prohibitions regarding staff use of social media. (Dimick, 2015) That is just one story of countless others that are similar in nature. Since social media is quick and powerful, can carry messages that can be good or bad. Whether it’s tweeting, texting, Facebook or dozens of others we as a society have become accustom to social media. Even doctors use it to communicate with each other about patients they are caring for. Why, because it’s fast and there is room for less errors from background noise or telephone orders. Here is an example of doctors using social media to communicate with the family. There was a case in Kentucky, where the health care team was preforming a double hand transplant which is a long surgery and involves teams of experts rotating in and out of the surgical suite. During the surgery, the fellows sat outside the suite with a laptop and tweeted updates for the family to read. While using social media can be valuable to doctors and nurses, inappropriate use of these tools can be devastating to a health professional career. Here are some examples The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act History The history of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPPA, began in 1996 when a legal mandate was issue by Congress to protect the ethical principles and confidentiality of patient information (Burkhardt Nathaniel, 2014). Prior to this legislation, employees were not protected between jobs. Waste, fraud and abuse in health insurance and healthcare delivery was prevalent. The need to protect the rights of the patient was needed but also the Act contained passages to promote the use of medical savings accounts by introducing tax breaks, provides coverage for employees with pre-existing medical conditions and simplifies the administration of health insurance. Once HIPAA had been signed into law, the US Department of Health and Human Services set about creating the first HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules. The Privacy Rule had an effective compliance date of April 14, 2003, and it defined Protected Health Information (PHI) as â€Å"any information held by a covered entity which concerns health status, the provision of healthcare, or payment for healthcare that can be linked to an individual†. Instructions were issued on how PHI should be disclosed and that permission should be sought from patients before using their personal information for marketing, fundraising or research. It also gave patients the right to withhold information about their healthcare from health insurance providers when their treatment is privately funded. The HIPAA SecurityShow MoreRelatedThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1704 Words   |  7 PagesThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, most commonly known as HIPAA, was passed by Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton on August 21, 1996. The purpose of this act was to regulate the privacy of patient health information, lower the cost of health care, as well as to help fix the many pieces of our complicated healthcare system. When switching employers or p ossibly losing employment, HIPAA secures individuals their health insurance. HIPAA nearly affects all individualsRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act890 Words   |  4 Pagesinformation. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is Protected Health Information (PHI) that: Relates to a person’s physical or mental health, the provision of health care, or the payment for health care. Identifies the person who is the subject of the information. Is created or received by a covered entity Is transmitted or maintained in any form (paper, electronic, or oral) There are five major components to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) PrivacyRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1253 Words   |  6 Pagesgiving information to the healthcare professional and motivates the patient to seek health care when needed (Jessica De Bord, Burke, MD PhD, Dudzinski, PhD MTS, 2013). In 1996, Congress passed an act that enforces the patient’s right to information confidentiality. The act was named, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or for short â€Å"HIPAA†. Not only does HIPAA regulate the protection of patient’s health information, but they work to reduce healthcare fraud and abuse, mandate standardsRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is divided into five titles. Title I is health insurance portability, title II is administrative simplification, title III is medical savings accounts and health insurance tax related provisions, title IV is enforcement of group health plan provisions, and title V is revenue offsets. HIPAA affects many features of health care, including providing the privacy rights of patients for release of financial and medical informationRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1914 Words   |  8 Pageshave always and will always be behind criminal acts, and new laws are put in place to tackle the every changing technological advancement. Law Review Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) required the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop regulations protecting the privacy and security of certain health information. To fulfill this requirement, HHS publishedRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act946 Words   |  4 Pagesour own health information, but how is this beneficial to us as patients and healthcare providers? As healthcare is increasingly becoming complex what are ways to enforce these policies and rules? HIPAA rules and standards will need to be the same in each state so there is interoperability the proper way, but will we be able to really accomplish this? This paper will discuss these aspects and ways to overcome these obstacles that are occurring. What is HIPAA? HIPAA also known as the Health InsuranceRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1609 Words   |  7 PagesIt has always been the job of health care providers to maintain doctor-patient confidentiality. Not only is it a legal obligation it is also an ethical obligation to many doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants and many other medical staff. Until recently medical records were primarily recorded on paper and stored in cabinets and locked in what was believed as a secure room. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act also known as HIPAA, was passed on August 21, 1996. Although the lawRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1382 Words   |  6 Pages Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Final Research Paper Dominique Bracco Healthcare Today (300) Professor Diana December 7, 2016 â€Æ' Abstract The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is divided into five titles. Title I is health insurance portability, Title II is administrative simplification, Title III is medical savings accounts and health insurance tax related provisions, Title IV is enforcement of group health plan provisions, and title V is revenueRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act768 Words   |  4 Pages/ Mrs. CEO, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule is the driving force in protecting our patient’s information. We take patient privacy serious and will continue to do so. The following is a summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP). Organizations/facilities that are regulated by the Privacy rule are called entities. Entities play a major part in protecting patient’s health information. Per the Health and Humans ServicesRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act817 Words   |  4 Pagesresearch on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). Enacted by Congress in 1996, HIPPA was created to â€Å"modernize health information exchange† (Solove, 2013). For the consumer, HIPPA sets rules which protect the privacy of health information, to be followed by health care providers and insurance companies. It also gives consumers rights over their health information, such as obtaining a copy, making sure it is accurate, and to know who is or has seen their health information